Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Good to ease back into lifting with an upper body day! I had allergy shots at 4 at 14th St. so there was no way I could talk myself out of it - funny how when you miss a couple weeks of something, there is a hump to get over getting back to it even if it's something you know you love. Anyway very nice to see everybody, and it was an enjoyable and not too strenuous workout (I am basically just looking not to "break" anything - all exercise currently for good mental and physical health rather than any specific fitness goals, and must continue to be careful of back).

Bench: 4 x 6 @ 60% (I lowballed it at 70), with 6-0-0 (i.e. six seconds descending) (I really like this kind of set)

DB row: 3 x 10 @ 37.5

DB floor press: 3 x 15 @ 17.5 (only one 22.5 and the 27s felt too heavy for that number of reps)

100 face pull (band)

150 triceps pulldown (band)

About :45 total

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